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Join the PMI to discuss what the Pensions Regulator’s focus on the end-game means for how trustee boards and sponsors should approach a scheme’s funding goals.

Speakers will talk through the importance of knowing your recourse as the fundamental starting point, the key considerations that trustees and management teams should be thinking about when constructing an integrated covenant, funding and investment package, as well as the importance of having an appropriate approach to monitoring the key risks on your journey to the long-term funding objective.

Topics of discussion:

  • Recourse structures can be more complicated than initially envisaged (e.g. sponsors are rarely organised around the legal employers; equally the members may be in legacy operations of the sponsor) – the PMI will explore how a scheme can access value and which competing creditors may exist
  • Once the recourse is fully understood, an assessment can be made on the appropriate long-term objective and whether the journey plan is consistent with the level of covenant support
  • How trustees can work with advisers to agree an integrated covenant and funding package with the sponsor aligned to their long-term objective and the scheme and sponsors’ risk capacity
  • The importance of working with the sponsor to establish information flows and a robust integrated risk monitoring framework, including contingent protections to resolve what is ultimately a shared issue