Risk and Portfolio Construction

Risk and Portfolio Construction - Conferences

Risk Management and Portfolio Construction Conferences. This section of the conference directory is for conferences on portfolio risk and optimisation. The Portfolio Construction Forum is a large annual event in Sydney for portfolio managers, but many "risk" conferences have an investment bank bias rather than a portfolio management emphasis. ICBI runs the RiskMinds series of conferences, which are amongst the world's top risk management conferences. Incisive Media has an impressive portfolio of...

Risk conferences, such as Risk USA, Risk Australia, the Asia Risk Congress, RiskHedge London, Risk Derivatives Clearing. Important topics and themes for portfolio managers include concepts such as portfolio optimisation and CAPM, risk parity, active share, risk modelling, tracking error, effective diversification, rebalancing, risk factors and factor models, downside risk protection, dynamic asset allocation and hedging strategies, fat tails and extreme risk, time horizons for risk measurement and monitoring.

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  • 09
    Dec 2024
  • 10
    Dec 2024

Pension Bridge Real Assets

Pension Bridge Real Assets will convene North America’s most progressive investors to determine how they are changing their allocation strategies in real assets given current tumultuous…