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The Virtual Canadian Alternative Investment Forum (CAIF 9.5)

Founded in 2011, CAIF is the premier alternative investment conference in Canada, connecting active allocators (including UHNW individuals, family offices, institutions, foundations and their advisors) to their peers and to innovators, entrepreneurs and investment managers. CAIF offers delegates panel discussions, presentations and meaningful insights from top speakers as well as significant networking opportunities. 

The 2020 Canadian Alternative Investment Forum will be a virtual event, held during two mornings on September 23–24, 2020. “CAIF 9.5” will allow for the opportunity to reach more members of the alternative investment community through its expanded platform. In the spirit of the networking that makes CAIF so popular, virtual breakout rooms will be available.

Registration is open now for this unique event combining compelling content from the originally scheduled event overlaid with an understanding of the impact COVID-19 has had on the way we all live and do business. Please click here to view the agenda.