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Integrating ESG factors into investment decision-making is no longer optional, they are a must. Investments that fail to take these factors seriously are far more vulnerable to colossal losses and potentially stranded assets later down the line.

Tackling this head on, Boston Consulting Group, Newton Investment Management and DIF Capital Partners would like to invite you and representatives from your organisation to join Reuters Events’ interactive Webinar ‘Taking ESG Mainstream - Unlocking Financial Materiality’.

Sign up through this link to register for the complimentary webinar, 29th January, 10:30-11:30am GMT. Can’t attend? Reuters Events will send the recordings after the discussion.

60-minute discussion on the key ESG integration steps investors must take in 2020 to unlock more financial value from mainstream portfolios:

  • Moderating: Veronica Chau, Partner and Director, Sustainable Investing & Social Impact, Boston Consulting Group
  • Panellist: Andrew Parry, Head of Sustainable Investment, Newton Investment Management
  • Panellist: Frank Siblesz, Senior Director, DIF Capital Partners


Don’t be left with stranded assets, integrate ESG into investment decisions. What this discussion will cover:

  • Utilising data driven environmental, social and governance considerations into core decision-making, leaving no stone unturned when considering investments.
  • Unlocking higher-risk investment options through transparent understanding of ESG Risk.
  • How ESG can deliver financial rewards across both short-term & long-term investments - proving ESG to be a benefit, not a burden.


This interactive webinar will discuss the key practical steps asset managers are making in 2020 to secure financial returns through improved evaluation of ESG factors.