28Feb 2018
01Mar 2018
ICGN (the International Corporate Governance Network) is again hosting this year’s Tokyo Conference. Over 300 leading professionals are expected to attend this conference in Tokyo on 28th February to the 1st March. The focus of the event will be on the accelerating governance and investment stewardship reform, considering risk mitigation for companies and investors. The event is targeted at international investors, corporate executives and professional advisors and will take place across two locations. Day 1 will take place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo and day 2 Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Conference website
ICGN-IIRC Tokyo Conference (Tokyo) 28 Feb-1 MarCategory
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, ESG and Ethical Investing Conferences, Asset Allocation and TAA Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Global Strategy Outlook Conferences, Asian Pension Funds Conferences.