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Register today to join leading industry experts from the financial and tech space including Conor Coughlan, Chief Marketing Officer at Fenergo. The session will be moderated by Payal Raina, Founder of FinTech Marketing and a Global Head of Marketing at Torstone Technology.

Discussion points include:

This webinar sets out an understanding of how financial regulation might be usefully used by marketers in order to bring their product or service to market. In the session, FinTech Marketing will discuss:

  • Major themes in regulation for 2021 including investor protection, transparency, etc
  • Specific rules and categories e.g. capital rules, market supervision
  • Where change occurs – Operational impact, initial costs, technology support and timeframes for change
  • How services and tools can support that process of change
  • Key elements to understand including a positive and negative impact on different stakeholders