Global Investors: Between Data and Sentiment
Asset allocation in volatile times
Bearish or bullish? This is the key question facing many global allocators today. There are certainly bright patches - and this is reflected in asset prices. But there are also plenty of risks. Markets remain volatile and allocators need to distil the latest data in light of market sentiment. The collection of timely research below focuses on helping allocators do just that.
Global Sovereign Asset Management Study 2023 (Invesco)
Find out how global investors are responding to unprecedented changes in the world's economy and geopolitical space.
Why Investors Need to Understand Corporate Demographics (Morgan Stanley IM)
The factoring in of corporate demographics is essential for investors' long-term success. Without understanding corporate demographics, allocators are at risk.
(Re)validating the Case for International Bonds (Vanguard)
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Are investors bearish or bullish towards international bonds? This analysis provides a thought-provoking answer using the latest data.
'Bear' In Mind Defensive Stock Reversals (Robeco)
This paper suggests that defensive stocks bounce back after a period of underperformance, allowing contrarian investors to benefit from cyclical overreaction patterns.
Credit Rating Changes and Market Reaction: The Impact of Investor Sentiment
Exploring the impact of investor sentiment on stock market returns around the announcement of credit rating changes.
Goldilocks Without The Bears? (Northern Trust Asset Management)
Against the current macroeconomic backdrop, which asset classes should investors be optimistic about and why?
Market Volatility Risk in an Era of Extreme Events (SoA)
This report offers a comprehensive explanation of what happened recently in the capital market and what caused the structural changes which investors are witnessing.
Is Sentiment the Solution to the Risk–return Puzzle? A (Cautionary) Note
Understanding market sentiment in a historical context can help allocators spot new relationships in the market, leading to better investment outcomes.
Mutual Fund Flows and Investor Disappointment
Many studies have documented that mutual fund flows respond positively to recent fund performance. However, the underlying reasons for why this happens remain a mystery.