Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction
The "how" and "where" of solid portfolio performance
Asset allocation and portfolio construction go hand-in-hand. This is true for investors looking to build a new portfolio from scratch, as well as for allocators who are looking to reposition or re-balance their current portfolios. These insights have been written to help you navigate the current market environment and choose the best assets for this process.
EQuilibrium Global Institutional Investor Survey (Nuveen)
Explore how different institutional investors are building their portfolios and deploying their strategies in this uncertain environment.
Diverging Markets, Diversified Portfolios (PIMCO)
Today’s environment underscores the importance of global diversification, prudent risk mitigation, and constructing resilient portfolios.
The Role of Asset Allocation (CFA Institute Research & Policy Center)
Investors must maintain their strategy over a long period of time if they are to achieve desired results.
Relative Value & Tactical Asset Allocation Q2 2024 (MetLife IM)
Choosing the right assets for your portfolio in today's fast-changing world is key to ensuring that your portfolio performs as expected.
Building Resiliency into Your Portfolio Allocation (New York Life Investments)
Rarely have global allocators faced so much uncertainty across geographies and capital market conditions. Can investors time the market successfully?
Where Can Investors Find Geographic Diversification? (Bridgewater Associates)
Geographic diversification is one of the cheapest ways for investors to make their portfolios more robust.
How to Diversify as Global Stock Markets Grow More Concentrated (Goldman Sachs)
The U.S. stock market has consistently been the world’s biggest over the past 50 years, but its share has been steadily climbing. This makes diversification difficult for allocators.
Positive Stock-Bond Correlation: Portfolio Construction Implications (PGIM)
Correlation regimes tend to be long-lived and driven by the prevailing macroeconomic backdrop. Explore this theme further with this insightful report.
Performance Measurement for Alternative Investments Portfolios (PMR)
Measuring the performance of alternative investments has become essential for investors looking to re-balance their portfolios.