Asian Equities - All You Need to Know About the Regional Markets
Looking more closely at Asian stocks
This collection of insights brings allocators a focused list of analysis relevant to Asian equity markets. It touches on South Korean stocks, Japanese equities, Indian companies, Vietnamese stocks, and more. These insights will help any investor looking to diversify their EM equity exposure.
Misfortune for Japanese Stock Pickers (S&P Dow Jones Indices)
While 2023 marked a turnaround for Japanese equities, with a reprieve from long-suffering deflation, it was a challenging year for Japanese active managers.
The Korea Discount and New Opportunities? (Thornburg Investment Management)
Closing the Korea Discount could have significant implications for individual companies and the overall Korean market.
Putting Singapore on The Map (FTSE Russell)
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Janice Kan Pui Yoke, Head of Markets at the Singapore Exchange, discusses the recent developments surrounding the Singapore Exchange and what these mean for investors.
Vietnam: Stock Market Q2 2024 (KBSV)
There are three forces driving Vietnam's equities in the months ahead. Read more about these dynamics in this report.
Ten Reasons to Invest in Indian Equities (Allianz Global Investors)
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India boasts a long-established equity culture. Global allocators can find plenty of interesting opportunities within the Indian equity universe.
Bidirectional Risk Spillovers between Chinese and Asian Stock Markets (MDPI)
This paper investigates bidirectional risk spillovers between Chinese and Asian stock markets by constructing a dynamic copula-EVT-CoVaR model.
Where Chinese Equities Go, EM Stocks Will Follow (Fidelity Investments)
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Chinese stocks have been a notable drag on emerging market equity returns in recent years. Will this trend continue?
Impact of Oil on Asian Markets (ABAC Journal)
This study attempts to examine, through empirical means, the degree of correlation between the returns of Southeast Asian stocks, Dubai crude oil, and world gold.
Japan: On a Bullet Train towards a Bubble? (River Global)
Japanese equities should continue to benefit from a combination of compelling bottom-up and top-down drivers, creating a long runway for further value creation.
Asia-Pacific Private Equity Report 2024 (Bain & Company)
From private equity markets to exiting via IPOs, this report explores the changing world of APAC's private equity universe.
South Korea: Reforms to Resolve the ‘Korea discount’ (Invesco)
The “Korea discount” refers to an investment view that Korean companies are undervalued compared to other Asian countries.