Alternatives for Institutional Portfolios
Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Real Estate and More…
The definition of Alternatives has widened over time, beyond hedge funds and private equity vehicles. After the Global Financial Crisis, private credit products developed as alternatives to traditional assets too. As public markets became more correlated, real estate and infrastructure were incorporated under the 'Alts' umbrella. More recently, crypto assets have joined this diverse universe as well. Here is the latest research on this exciting market space.
The Merits of Hedge Fund Co-Investments (Morgan Stanley IM)
What matters most when investing in hedge funds? From the allocators’ perspective – fees, transparency and correlation are key focal points.
New Ideas For A New Regime for Private Markets (Franklin Templeton Investments)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
This new era will seriously test investors’ previously held assumptions about liquidity management, portfolio construction, and manager selection.
The Democratisation Of Private Debt Investing (Natixis IM)
For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States and Canada
When considering private debt, it is important to keep the entire allocation framework in mind – the asset class does not work in isolation.
Global Real Estate: Where from Here? (Macquarie Asset Management)
Global real estate markets performed solidly in the face of elevated financial volatility in the first part of this year. Can the same be expected going forward?
Private Credit: An All-Weather Asset Class (Neuberger Berman)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
Demand for private credit has exploded over the last decade. This market, now nearly $1.8 trillion, will continue to present opportunities for global investors.
Public And Private Real Assets for Pension Plans (Nuveen)
Real asset allocation decisions are more nuanced and complex than many think. This paper sheds light on how investors should approach this market.
The Role of U.S. Agriculture in Your Institutional Portfolio (PGIM Real Estate)
The U.S. may be of particular interest to investors, as the leading producer and a top exporter of some of the world’s most important commodities.
Blockchain's Next Billion Users and Trillions in Value (Citi GPS)
To be successfully adopted into the mainstream, blockchain needs the help of technology enablers. Are we there yet?
Trend: Adaptive, Agile and Resilient (Aspect Capital)
The application of trend following as a strategy has a very long history, stretching back to the late 1940s when Richard Donchian established the first strategy of this kind.
Bitcoin’s Stealth Rally (Coinbase Institutional)
On a risk-adjusted basis, Bitcoin is doing better than many traditional risk assets, including US stocks and G10 currencies. What are the forces driving its performance?
Upcoming Webinar
Symbiotic Solutions for a Digital Future: Regulation & Technology (State Street)
In this webinar, experts will explore the changes impacting the way digital asset infrastructure is created, focusing on this year's developments. They'll also explain why regulators are closely watching the legal challenges around tokenized versions of financial assets. Join State Street for this informative webinar on 10 May 2023.