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Alternative Investments for Global Portfolios

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 09 Oct 2023
  • Updated 20 Oct 2023


Can hedge funds keep their promises to investors?

The universe of alternative assets and strategies (for there is a difference - one is a claim on cash flows, the other is a way to access that claim) is expected to grow quite a bit in the years ahead. But this positive development won't be affecting all parts of this universe the same way. Some alternative managers will find it easier than others to attract more capital. This selection of timely insights tells this story in more detail.

The Role Of Alternatives In A New Investment Playbook (HSBC Asset Management)

The term ‘alternatives’ encompasses a wide spectrum of sub-segments, including real estate, private equity, private debt, and hedge funds.

The State of Play in European Private credit (M&G Investments)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

When it comes to private credit, selecting an experienced manager, who implements conservative underwriting standards, and who can perform rigorous credit analysis is crucial.

An LP’s Guide To A Reckoning In Private Equity (Manulife IM)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

PE opportunities are becoming harder to exploit. While diversification benefits of the asset class remain, the magnitude of future returns may struggle to match historic levels.

Trends in Private Credit Fund Structuring (Dechert)

A recent survey shows that Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands are the most popular fund domiciles for private credit fund managers.

A Systematic Approach to Private Debt in Institutional Portfolios (GIC)

Private debt assets are generally expected to offer higher returns relative to public credit, reflecting risk premiums arising from illiquidity and accessibility.

Why Infrastructure May Be the ‘Perfect Institutional Asset Class’ (Money Maze)

Infrastructure has grown from a niche sector within the alternatives universe into a more mainstream asset class. What are the drivers behind this transformation?

Hedge Fund Strategy Performance September 2023 Edition (PivotalPath)

Find out how different hedge fund strategies have performed so far in 2023. Selecting a manager that can consistently deliver is key for meeting allocators' needs.

How the Elizabeth Line Is Transforming the Capital (Knight Frank)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United Kingdom

Over the last decade submarkets in the City experienced stronger rental growth in the years prior to the Brexit Referendum of 2016 and COVID-19 pandemic.

Lost Water: Challenges and Opportunities (S&P Global Ratings)

Investing in water infrastructure is becoming a core priority for economies around the world. This report offers a detailed analysis of why.

Healthcare in Asia: The Growing Opportunity for Private Capital (GPCA)

Private capital investment in healthcare assets in Asia has grown rapidly over the last decade, peaking at a record c.$35bn in 2021.

PGIM's Hunt Says Private Credit Is Growing Quickly (PGIM)

PGIM's President & CEO David Hunt joined Bloomberg TV to discuss what has been driving the growth of private credit markets, among other key developments.