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Register today to join leading industry experts from the financial and tech space including Christoph Woermann, CMO Corporate Banks at Deutsche Bank, Miles Kumaresan, Founder and CEO at Wave Labs and Payal Raina Founder of FinTech Marketing and a Global Head of Marketing at Torstone Technology. The session will be moderated by Tanya Andreasyan MD, Editor-in-Chief at FinTech Futures.

Discussion points include:

  • How are marketers leveraging the latest capital markets developments/ trends to keep their brand customer-centric?
  • What are the similarities and differences between marketing strategies of FinTech firms and traditional financial vendors and how does this work in practice? 
  • How have financial institutions and FinTech approached making their portfolio offerings and related marketing as appealing as possible to their clients and audiences?
  • Multi-solution portfolios present a different challenge to holistic offerings; how do marketers approach a more diverse offering when formulating and implementing their strategies across their client base?
  • How are traditional FinTech service/solution providers adapting their marketing strategies in the face of emerging start-up competition or even those from non-core sectors that are positioning themselves to enter the space?