Fixed Income: Winners and losers during regime change
Featured Papers and Interviews With Industry Thought Leaders
The first half of 2022 has brought more challenges for investors as both fixed income and equity assets have experienced a significant repricing due to the volatile economic environment. Investors are having to cope with an uncertain market environment with levels of inflation not seen for over four decades, and central banks which are aggressively tightening monetary policy.
READ NOW: Fixed Income: Winners and losers during regime change (Special Report)
Despite the bleak outlook, it must be remembered that with volatility often comes opportunity. One area in particular that looks to benefit from this period of rising interest rates is higher-quality fixed income securities that have longer durations or more exposure to interest rate increases. Yields are already higher now than they were a few months ago, and investors are expected to continue allocating more to fixed income assets as rates continue to rise.

Fixed Income: Winners and losers during regime change (Special Report, 2022)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States and Canada
This Special Report highlights the rising risks from soaring prices, declining liquidity and increasing dispersion, and what implications these factors are likely to have on global credit markets.