Insurance Asset Management: Q2 2021 Update
Top White Papers on Insurance Asset Management
With U.S. Treasury yields on the rise, what are the investment implications for long-term investors such as insurance companies? Also, how have insurance asset managers fared recently, and what is their take on the near-term investment outlook?
The following papers look at these questions and others about the insurance industry. S&P Dow Jones Indices provides an update on insurance companies' utilisation of ETFs, and State Street discusses the intricacies of integrating ESG into securities lending practices. Other papers survey the landscape of insurtech companies in India and reinsurance markets across the globe.

ETFs in Insurance General Accounts (S&P Dow Jones Indices)
S&P Dow Jones Indices takes a look at both holdings of ETFs in insurance general accounts and trading activity in the ETF market by insurers in 2020.
Municipal Bonds: Attractive assets for non-U.S. investors (MFS IM, May 2021)
Non-U.S. investors, such as European insurance companies, may wish to consider investing in the U.S. municipal bond market, due to attractive characteristics such as their resiliency, relatively high yields, and their treatment under Solvency II regulations.
Integrating ESG Considerations into Securities Lending (State Street, 2021)
Insurance companies are some of the largest participants in the securities lending market. This State Street paper considers how ESG practices can be integrated into securities lending programs.
Webinar: Real estate updates for insurers (MetLife Investment Management, 2021)
MetLife Investment Management hosts a panel discussion about recent changes to risk-based capital related to real estate equity, and the relevant implications for insurance investors.
Insurers’ Portfolios: Beyond the traditional investment universe (Amundi, 2021)
For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States
Amundi Asset Management recommends that in their search for yield, European insurers consider going beyond traditional European investment grade bond allocations and investing in non-Euro IG debt or illiquid assets.
FHLB Loans: An opportunity for U.S. insurers (Wellington Management, 2021)
FHLB loans could provide opportunities for insurers to add alpha due to low available rates and potentially favourable treatment from ratings agencies.
Global Insurance Survey 2021 (GSAM)
GSAM surveyed 286 insurance industry CFOs and CIOs, representing an astounding $13 trillion in capital, on the state of the insurance asset management industry and their expectations for near-term asset allocations.
Long-Duration Issues: Implications for pensions and insurers (Loomis Sayles)
Treasury yields are on the rise in 2021. In this paper, Loomis Sayles explores the supply and demand dynamics of the long-duration market and its implications for insurance investors.
India Insurtech Landscape and Trends (BCG, 2021)
BCG reviews advancements in technology across the value chains of insurance companies, examining the growth of the insurtech industry in India.
Insurance Industry: Pressure points (Aviva Investors, May 2021)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
Aviva Investors reviews the fallout from Covid-19 and the multitude of ways in which it is likely to continue to affect the insurance industry. Lower interest rates are forcing insurance investors into alternative assets and driving a re-examination of credit risk.
Cash Reallocation Opportunities for Insurers (M&G Investments, 2021)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
For insurers, yields are still very low and Solvency II capital charges are potentially high. M&G proposes other forms of defensive allocations for insurance investors which may be looking to pick up yield without sacrificing liquidity.
Reinsurance Market Report (Willis Towers Watson, 2021)
This 34-page report from Willis Towers Watson covers recent updates to the global reinsurance industry, with updates on capital growth, investment yields, underwriting, and regulatory issues.