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The Beijing Global Investment Forum will gather asset owners from across China to assess economic themes, investment strategies and governance frameworks affecting institutional investor entities and their portfolios.

China is the second largest economy in the world and the primary source of demand for many global companies and investors. As a consequence, the structural reforms underway are expected to drive a new era of growth and innovation within the economy and will significantly affect prosperity and investment opportunities not just in Asia, but around the world.

Amid expectations of lower returns and heightened volatility across many of the traditional asset classes, Chinese investors are increasingly looking to diversify strategies as a means of broadening out their portfolios and investing further up the risk curve.

Institutional Investor’s 2020 Beijing Global Investment Forum will examine some of the key investment considerations for successfully diversifying investment allocations and strategies, both in China and abroad. It will also focus on effective investment implementation, trade execution, portfolio construction and highlight new approaches that foreign investors are practising across these areas.