01Nov 2019
FT Live are hosting their 2019 Commodities Summit in Tokyo on November 1st. Japan is one of the biggest buyers of commodities in the world and also the only major advanced economy planning new coal fired power stations. There are currently big changes shaking the natural resources world such as sustainability, responsible sourcing and cleaner energy forms and Japan needs to adapt to these trends. This summit aims to provide delegates with valuable, unique insights on the hot trends in the industry, the Japanese economic outlook and the impact the US-China trade war has had on commodity markets.
Conference website
FT Commodities Summit 2019 (Tokyo) 1 NovCategory
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, ESG and Ethical Investing Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Emerging Markets Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Cleantech Investing Conferences, Debt and Credit Outlook Conferences, Asian Pension Funds Conferences, Fixed Income and Treasury Conferences, Risk and Portfolio Construction Conferences, Commodity Markets Outlook Conferences.