19Oct 2019
21Oct 2019
The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans are hosting their ‘New Trustees Institute: Level 1’ course this October 19th – 21st at San Diego Convention Centre. This course will help new trustees enhance their understanding of their role and the basic issues involved with managing their health and welfare funds. They will also cover the complex benefits environment. Delegates will come away with a high-level understanding of the legal environment and their fiduciary responsibility; and having discussed current issues and best practices in the benefits industry.
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, DC Pensions Conferences, Pensions Administration Conferences, DB Pensions Conferences, US Pension Funds Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, ESG and Ethical Investing Conferences, Asset Allocation and TAA Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Global Strategy Outlook Conferences, Canadian Pension Funds Conferences.