The British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association are hosting their 2019 Summit this October 9th & 10th in London. The topic of the event is “2020+ vision” and aims to help attendees sharpen their vision, looking ahead to the trends and strategies shaping the next 10 years of private equity and VC. There will be over 850 attendees at the event made up of investors, policy makers and business leaders, with over 12 hours of networking time this is not an event to be missed.
Conference website
BVCA Summit 2019 (London) 9-10 OctCategory
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, European Pension Funds Conferences, Investment Consultants Conferences, UK Pension Funds Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Endowments and Foundations Conferences, Private Wealth and Family Offices Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Insurance Companies Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, Asset Allocation and TAA Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Global Strategy Outlook Conferences.