The FT Investment Management Summit 2019 comes to London this September 24th. The aim of the summit is to be the annual meeting point for asset managers, institutional investors, regulators and influencers. These industry leaders will come together to discuss and dissect recent market developments and the implications they have on portfolio planning and returns. Some key topics at the event will be: the global outlook, ESG, the current credit cycle, political developments, market conditions and more.
Conference website
FT Investment Management Summit 2019 (London) 24 SepCategory
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, European Pension Funds Conferences, Investment Consultants Conferences, UK Pension Funds Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Endowments and Foundations Conferences, Private Wealth and Family Offices Conferences, SWFs and Central Banks Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Insurance Companies Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, ESG and Ethical Investing Conferences, Asset Allocation and TAA Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Global Strategy Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Hedge Funds Conferences, Private Equity and VC Conferences, Debt and Credit Outlook Conferences, Fixed Income and Treasury Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences.