25Sep 2019
Family Office and Opportunity Zones Investments - Dealmakers Meeting comes to New York this 25th September, hosted by iGlobal Forum. Opportunity Zones have been the centre of discussion for some time now, but this year we are starting to see the fruition of that. Many opportunities are being seized by investors in the commercial real estate (CRE) market interested in Opportunity Funds, and there are ample opportunities for Family Offices. Following on from that, iGlobal have developed this one-stop shop for stakeholders, family offices, investors, real estate developers, accountants, lawyers, and opportunity zone communities to understand the long term investment potential, partnership opportunities and tax benefits from the Opportunity Zones incentive. This iGlobal Dealmakers Meeting is not to be missed, providing expert analysis and a comprehensive background of the incentive program. Attendees will leave with advice, recommendations and details of opportunities for real estate professionals and investors.
Conference website
Family Office & Opportunity Zones Investments - Dealmakers Meeting (New York City) 25 Sep 2019Category
Listed in: Investment Consultants Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Private Wealth and Family Offices Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Private Equity and VC Conferences, Commercial Real Estate Conferences.