09Sep 2019
10Sep 2019
The Euromoney Egypt Conference 2019 will take place in Cairo between 9 - 10 of September. The conference will focus on the digitisation of the financial industry, including: financial data collection, refining, mining and monetisation. The keynote speaker at the event will be Dr. Mohamed Maait, the Minister of Finance, Egypt. Khaled Talhouni, Managing Partner at Wamda Capital, will also speak at the conference. The agenda includes discussions on Egypt's Economic Backdrop, Investing in a Digital Egypt, Real Estate/Mortgage Tech Platforms, and much more.
Conference website
The Euromoney Egypt Conference 2019 (Cairo) 9-10 SepCategory
Listed in: Other Institutions Conferences, Middle East Investors Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Emerging Markets Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Commercial Real Estate Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences, Investment Technology Conferences.