20May 2019
21May 2019
The global financial and economic crisis in 2008/2009 has shown the critical importance of the financial sector for macroeconomic activity. In response, many policymakers and academic scholars have focused their attention on the link between financial markets and the real economy. Against this backdrop, the Center for Economic Policy (CEPR), the University of Mannheim, and the Research Center SAFE (Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe) at Goethe University jointly organize and cordially invite you the attend the annual conference on “Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Performance”.
Conference website
4th Conference on Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Performance (Frankfurt) 20-21 May 2019Category
Listed in: Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Debt and Credit Outlook Conferences, Fixed Income and Treasury Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences.