Following the success of our last year’s inaugural ‘UK Turkish Overseas Investment Forum’ the 2nd edition will build on the continuous talks of the opportunities and challenges for Turkish companies aiming at global expansion through the UK. While the UK remains number one destination for Foreign Direct Investment, second only to USA, Turkey keeps climbing the list of Britain’s FDI, which grew tenfold over the past decade. The event will examine these relationships in the light of recent economic slowdown in Turkey, while addressing the challenges of BREXIT. For those keen to find out more about the latest fundamental developments in the markets, policies and regulations, this conference is a must-attend, with agenda-defining debates, diverse speakers, and interactive networking opportunities.
Conference website
2nd Annual UK Turkish Overseas Investment Forum (London) 26 Apr 2019Category
Listed in: Pension Funds Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Middle East Investors Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, ESG and Ethical Investing Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Emerging Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Global Economic Outlook Conferences, Asian Pension Funds Conferences.