11Mar 2019
13Mar 2019
WBR Events are pleased to be hosting InfoSec Connect 2019, the premier meeting of top cybersecurity executives within US financial based organisation. This event is designed to promote debate on pressing cybersecurity issues within the investment landscape, provide solutions and services from a range of leading providers and develop strategies which companies can implement to tackle the next couple of years. Building on the success of previous instalments, WBR events ensure that the agenda is tailor made to suit the institutional investment community, and that they provide content which will specifically meet individual requirements. As the financial services industry is the leading target for cyber criminals, this is not an event to be missed. For more information, and to sign up today, visit the website.
Conference website
InfoSec Connect 2019 (San Diego, CA) 11-13 MarCategory
Listed in: Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Risk and Portfolio Construction Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences, Investment Technology Conferences.