06Nov 2018
08Nov 2018
Fixed Income Leaders 2018 (Amsterdam) 6-8 Nov
- WBR Events
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Visit conference website
The Fixed Income Leaders Summit is the only conference designed by the buy side for the buy side to help you source solutions to your key credit and rates trading pain points. Attendees benefit from the interactive elements of the event such as roundtable discussions, workshops and live debates. Plus, the networking breaks, lunches and drinks receptions enable further discussion and relationship building to solve the biggest data challenges. With half of the attendees representing the biggest names on the buy side, this is quite simply THE meeting place to benchmark with the best and shape the future of your industry.
Listed in: Investment Consultants Conferences, Other Institutions Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Alpha Trading Strategies Conferences, Execution and Exchanges Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Debt and Credit Outlook Conferences, Fixed Income and Treasury Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences.