12Sep 2018
13Sep 2018
Marcus Evans is hosting the 3rd Edition of the Operational Risk Management & Organizational Transformation for Financial Institutions conference in New York. It is billed as an opportunity to discuss hot topics with experienced industry peers. This event promises to be a valuable knowledge source for employees involved in risk management, while still retaining an intimate environment and providing multiple networking opportunities. Key Topics will include risk modelling, technology integration and embedding governance frameworks. Download the full agenda and sign up on the website today!
Conference website
Operational Risk Management & Organizational Transformation for Financial Institutions (New York City) 12-13 Sep 2018Category
Listed in: Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Risk and Portfolio Construction Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences, Investment Technology Conferences.