18Jun 2018
21Jun 2018
WBR Events will host Future Stores 2018 on the 19th and 21st June 2018. The three-day event will take place in Seattle, WA and is sure to attract many inspiring leading industry experts. Leading brands such as, L’Oreal, BMW, Nike, Lego, Walmart will attend the conference and the exhibition that will showcase the retail technology of tomorrow. The conference will be split into three core subjects, which are as follows; customer focused retail, innovation and disruptive store design, emerging technology and new retail concepts. Sign up now.
Conference website
Future Stores 2018 (Seattle, WA) 18-21 JunCategory
Listed in: Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Private Equity and VC Conferences, Commercial Real Estate Conferences, Investment Technology Conferences.