26Sep 2018
27Sep 2018
The Capital Markets Innovation Summit is the only event for Chief Operating Officers, Chief Information Officers and VPs of Innovation from leading investment banks.
As the capital markets sector continues to be squeezed by regulation, costs and competition, the need to innovate has never been stronger. Are you grappling with how to foster and deliver ROI from innovation, as your organisation moves from mandatory regulatory change to optimising profitability?
If so, the Capital Markets Innovation Summit is your one opportunity to benchmark against the world’s leading investment banks on: Machine learning/AI,advanced data analytics,organiational set-up and change management, blockchain and fintech engagement.
Inspiration Speakers from Europe’s Leading Financial Institutions, Including:
- William Moore, Chief Operating Officer, Business Risk & Control, Credit Suisse
- Karim Hajjaji, Chief Operating Officer, Global Markets, Santander
- Stephane Malrait, Global Head of eCommerce and Innovation for Financial Markets, ING
- Amit Varma, Chief Technology Officer, Corporate Channels, Citi
- Jason Gurandiano, Chief Technology Officer, RBC Capital Markets
- Jason Nabi, Managing Director, Global Head of Innovation,HSBC Securities Services
- Danielle Winandy, Head of Risk Innovation Office, BNP Paribas
- Angelique Slach, Chief Innovation Officer, Trade and Commodity Finance, Rabobank
Join 100+ speakers and attendees from top Investment Banks who are responsible for driving forward, making decisions and spending budget on innovation.
To find out more about the event, who will be speaking and how you can get involved, download the brochure here: https://bit.ly/2EkVx3d
As a subscriber of Savvy Investor you get 15% off attending, simply quote – CMDISCOUNT15 – and book online: https://bit.ly/2IxUK1p
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Conference website
Capital Markets Innovation Summit 2018 (London) 26-27 SepCategory
Listed in: Investment Process Conferences, Stock Selection and Analysis Conferences, Quant and Tools Conferences, Alpha Trading Strategies Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Stocks and Sectors Outlook Conferences, Regulation and Compliance Conferences, Investment Technology Conferences.