The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Mergers 2018 is due to take place in Dubai, UAE on the 9th April. The one-day event is hosted by Mergermarket Group and is set to be quite a packed programme of panel discussions and keynote addresses from leading industry experts. The day is expected to attract over 250 attendees and there will be over 35 speakers present. The day is focused around finance in the MENA region but discuss in depth the following subjects; deal drivers and inbound merger and acquisition, regional private equity outlook, abandoning acquisitions, new financing opportunities, fintech in MENA and healthcare, education and renewable energy.
Conference website
MENA Mergers 2018 (Dubai) 9 AprCategory
Listed in: Other Institutions Conferences, Middle East Investors Conferences, Institutional Asset Managers Conferences, Investment Process Conferences, Markets Outlook Conferences, Emerging Markets Outlook Conferences, Alternative Asset Classes Conferences, Private Equity and VC Conferences, Fixed Income and Treasury Conferences.