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Insights Into Sustainable Investing

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 17 Jan 2024


Is the world making progress toward net zero?

The world is moving closer to saying goodbye to fossil fuels. Yet,  to achieve this goal a lot of work must still be done. In particular, the global energy system requires substantial investments for a successful transition. Sustainable investing can provide a helping hand to countries willing to embark on this journey. Explore the latest insights into the world of green capital below.

A Growing Gap: Exploring Progress On Global Decarbonisation (PGIM Fixed Income)

Is the world making progress toward its net zero targets? After COP28 it appears so, but what does the data say?

Tackling Embodied Carbon Emissions (Macquarie Asset Management)

In the past five to 10 years, there has been a focus from investment committees on delivering sustainable outcomes for new buildings.

Private Markets Sustainability Index (Pantheon)

This index is a useful tool for both investors and managers and should foster engagement that can support ongoing dialogue around sustainability related investments.

How U.S. and European Investors Approach Stewardship (Harvard Law School)

In recent years, the world’s largest investors have formed dedicated teams to oversee discussions with portfolio companies on ESG issues.

Index Strategies And UN's Sustainable Development Goals (S&P Dow Jones Indices)

ESG investing often involves a risk-based scoring system that starts with assessing the financial materiality of ESG factors for an industry or specific company.

Green Innovation and the Transition toward a Clean Economy (PIIE)

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. Here is how innovation can help combat this risk.

Considering Climate Change in Sovereign Debt (UN PRI)

Investors in sovereign debt have often incorporated environmental factors into their analysis only in certain situations, such as when countries are vulnerable to extreme weather.

The Role of E-fuels in Decarbonising Transport (IEA)

Rapid deployment of low-emission fuels during this decade will be crucial to accelerate the decarbonization of the transport sector.