Global Pensions: Trends and Performance Drivers
Funding ratios, scheme performance and more
The global retirement landscape continues to change for a growing population that lives longer. In many countries, Defined Benefit schemes are making way for Defined Contribution plans - potentially offering more flexibility. The collection of papers below provides investors with the latest insights into the key trends and drivers underpinning global pensions. Also, please check out the PLSA conference - the UK's leading event for the pensions industry.
DC Plans' Demand for Collective Investment Trusts (Wellington Management)
Collective investment trusts (CITs) offer, amongst other benefits, lower fees which make these products attractive to Defined Contribution (DC) pension plans.
The Case for Gold in UK Defined Benefit Schemes (World Gold Council)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
The growth in funding ratios of UK Defined Benefit (DB) plans in recent months has led a number of pension managers re-think their asset allocation.
Pension Markets in Focus 2022 (OECD)
OECD's annual global pensions report brings together invaluable statistics and insights into the most important dynamics behind some of the largest allocators in the world.
The Future of Defined Contribution (Nuveen)
Defined Contribution (DC) plans still have some way to go before they become the default pension scheme across the United States. What does the future hold for DC pensions?
Global Top 300 Pension Funds 2022 (Thinking Ahead Institute)
This annual report brings to light key dynamics underpinning the global pensions market, from funding ratios to changes in assets under management.
Super’s Top Performers in FY22 (Frontier Advisors)
Taking a look behind the performance of Australia's superannuation schemes, this report reveals the best performing funds and their asset allocation decisions.
Pension Scheme Funding: Benchmarking analysis (Hymans Robertson)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United Kingdom
This benchmark analysis looks at the funding status of Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes. Topics ranging from covenant strength to funding targets are discussed inside the report.
U.S. Pension Finance Watch | September 2022 (WTW)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States
A quick snapshot of the performance of U.S. pensions, this report offers investors an opportunity to understand what asset classes did well for American retirement plans.
The UK's Leading Pensions Conference
PLSA Annual Conference 2022 (Liverpool) 12-13 Oct
The PLSA Annual Conference is the UK’s leading pensions conference. The event lasts two days and brings together more than 1,000 pension professionals alongside global experts.