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On Global Growth

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 17 May 2023

global economy

The forces driving the global economy

From extreme pessimism to moderate optimism, investor sentiment on the global economy has swung wildly in recent times. This is understandable – geopolitical conflict, inflation, and supply chain issues have not been positive developments. But there are bright spots across many developed and emerging economies. This research collection provides allocators with some of the most timely and practical analysis on global growth.

Investment Opportunities Across a Changing Food System (PGIM)

The global food industry is an integral part of the global economy. Population growth, new technologies, and other developments are changing the face of the global food system.

Making India A Global Growth Engine (MacKay Shields)

The Indian economy is going through several transformations, quickly becoming one of the most important EM economies in the world.

Asia 2.0: Investing In An Era Of New Opportunities (Eastspring Investments)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

Investors often think of China when the word "Asia" comes up. This paper shows that Asia is far more diverse – economically and financially.

A Strategic Allocator’s Guide to Productivity and Profits (Fidelity Investments)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States

There is higher potential for productivity growth in emerging economies than in developed markets. Does this mean that more profits can be generated in EM than in DM?

Positioning For A “Slow” Slowdown (UBS AM)

Concerns of a slowdown in the U.S. economy remain alive. These worries have been exacerbated by the weaknesses across its regional banking sector.

Falling Long-term Growth: Trends, Expectations & Policies (World Bank Group)

A structural growth slowdown is underway across the world. The global potential growth rate is expected to fall to a three-decade low over the remainder of the 2020s.

Comparing Past and Present Inflation Rates Can Be Tricky (Alpha Architect)

The CPI is not just an important measure of inflation but also a factor that substantially impacts salaries, social security payments and food stamps.

India Economic Monitor 2023 (BCG)

This in-depth report provides an overview of the key forces driving one of Asia's largest economies – India.


Symbiotic Solutions for a Digital Future: Regulation & Technology (State Street)

The evolution of digital assets and their related architecture will be a product of bottom-up innovation by market participants and top-down inputs by regulators and lawmakers. This on demand webinar dives deep into the forces shaping the digital future of the industry.